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climate change and hvac system in los angeles

The Impact of Climate Change on HVAC Systems in Los Angeles

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In recent years, climate change and its larger effects on the planet have become an increasingly important topic of conversation.

With the country facing rising temperatures, heat waves, record-breaking high heat, and frigidly low cold, more so than ever before, global warming has become a part of our daily life.

As our country and the world at large face these challenges, several companies across the globe have embraced advanced technology that operates with greater energy efficiency, requiring less power and emitting less natural gas or carbon dioxide.

In California, perhaps no single industry has faced these hardships as directly and harshly as the air conditioning industry.

hvacs in los angeles
Air conditioner usage has soared alongside summer temperatures

Air Conditioning Technology in the Fight Against Climate Change

As new extreme heat waves bring record-setting extremely hot days to Californian metropolises such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, the electricity demand for air conditioners alone has soared off of the charts.

During recent heat waves in the Golden State, as much as 60% – 70% of the electricity used is solely for AC units.

This extreme heat leads to nearly every home in the state, often between the hours of 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm when everyone is arriving home from work after a long stressful day and is in desperate need of a cooling off.

The result is a ludicrous strain on the grid system across California that wastes an absurd amount of power, is not efficient, and whose mass carbon emissions only work to accelerate global warming.

Power Outages Across the Grid System

Recently, hundreds of thousands of residents were left in complete darkness and without power after a month straight of record temperatures.

Millions of air conditioners fell off the grid entirely, leaving families to suffer through the in-excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit temperature without any access to air conditioning.

These rolling blackouts and electricity shortages thus far demonstrate only a taste of how things are going to develop across California and the world as outdoor temperatures continue to rise.

The global population will continue to rise in the coming years, and more people will continue to move to urban metropolises.

This puts pressure on the units and companies to help shoulder the tremendous burden of the next few decades’ energy usage and temperature changes.

That’s why at Universal Heating & Air, our company is doing everything we can to ensure that our AC units are developed to deliver energy-efficient and environmentally safe performance.

billions of ac units
More AC units demand more energy

Billions of New Air Conditioners

As the population of the globe, and specifically of Californian cities, rises, new air conditioning units will continue to be needed to keep everything from houses to offices to factories cool enough to live and work within.

These cooling systems, if left unchecked, only contribute to the emission of natural gas and carbon dioxide, as well as increase the costs of electrical waste.

Because, as mentioned, the electrical systems across the state have such a hard time keeping up with the power exertion necessary for the few hours of the day in which most residents are home and utilizing their air conditioners, from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, such a system has to be overdeveloped to an insane degree.

The electricity demand in peak heat wave hours in California can skyrocket by as much as 40%, meaning that the system has to be prepared to withstand that level of demand at all times, only because of a few hours worth of actual necessity.

Obviously, this is inefficient and highly wasteful. It isn’t a solution but rather a contributing factor that only worsens the problems. Exerting more power and waste only further accelerates global warming and worsens these issues in the years to come.

renewable energy
Renewable energy produces the smallest carbon footprint among energy suppliers

Cleaning the Grid

So how do we combat this seemingly unending cycle?

The simplest solution can come from beyond our jurisdiction in the AC unit business. Introducing renewable energy in the electricity grid would gradually reduce the greenhouse gases generated by air conditioners and heating systems.

A smarter version could also reduce energy consumption in AC units and reduce peak demand pressure.

This process would also involve deploying sensors and software that reduce the number of users as temperature drops when people leave the house for extended periods or when demand increases against the available generation.

lower gas emissions los angeles
More and more HVACS are being made with zero gas emissions

What We’re Doing to Help

But what can a company such as ourselves here at Universal Heating & Air do to play its part in reducing the impact of these issues?

When it comes to Los Angeles commercial air conditioning installation in new buildings, whether for office buildings or new homes contributing to the booming housing market, new AC units are being installed that no longer emit natural gas.

Instead, several jurisdictions have already banned the usage of these outdated systems, and the state’s impending Title 24 energy code will further work toward making all air conditioning companies work with healthier, greener systems.

Furthermore, not only are we striving to improve the efficiency of commercial HVAC units within any new building, but also to increase the efficiency of our units within any existing building.

If you or a loved one require maintenance or AC unit repairs, all you need do is to call (323) 763-5777 today, and our team will respond quickly and efficiently, doing everything that we can to get your unit back up and working even better than before!

Because as one of the state’s leading heating, air conditioning, and ventilation companies, we know that these unprecedented temperatures can affect your home’s cooling and warming systems.

If your home or office is still working with outdated air conditioners or furnaces, it is not only unsafe for the atmosphere but also potentially unsafe for you.

These newer systems work with greater efficiency and have a higher performance capacity, meaning they can stand the test of the elements.

Last summer in California, as it got warmer and warmer, commercial buildings and homes ran their air conditioning units 30% more than they had the previous year.

This jump ultimately makes an enormous difference to the efficiency of your home and/or business specifically.

While these new, greener units have been developed with combating these present issues in mind, older units have not.

So to have Universal Heating & Air working to repair or replace your air conditioner or furnace is to acquire new technology to help you and your family stand a better chance against these extremely developing conditions.

los angeles affected climate change
Each year the temperature in our city rises, resulting in heat-related casualties

How has Los Angeles been affected by climate change?

In almost every conceivable way, the changing climate has greatly affected Los Angeles. From record-setting hot summer days to much higher than average precipitation, each of which only looks to worsen in the coming years, LA’s entire ecosystem is in flux due to these accelerating changes.

co2 emissions hvac
AC units have been a major source of CO2 emissions over the years

How much does HVAC contribute to climate change?

In a study conducted in 2022, researchers found that over 1,950 million tons of CO2 are released annually.

This equates to 3.94% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Of that number, essentially 531 million tons are generated via units being used to regulate temperature, while 599 million tons from units removing humidity.

In other words, over a quarter of the global CO2 emissions come from HVAC. With the sheer temperatures, the number of degrees Fahrenheit, and the necessity of cooling appliances in such circumstances, it’s easy to understand why, but it doesn’t make that figure any less shocking.

If the globe is going to effectively combat these worsening conditions, every HVAC company has to be a part of it, which is why we work so hard to get our units working at optimum levels.

helping the environment
We at Universal will continue to play our role in combatting climate change!

The Future of Air Conditioning Units in Los Angeles, California

As the climate continues to evolve, so will the technology behind how Los Angeles withstands these temperatures.

As the HVAC community increasingly looks toward solar and wind-powered cooling appliances in the hopes of further reducing emissions, we here at Univeral Heating & Air will continue to do everything we can to better both the environment at large and your home and/or business specifically. Because when it comes to climate control, what’s best for one of us is what’s best for all of us.

Call us to schedule an appointment and ensure that your cooling and heating ventilation works properly and efficiently!

Picture of Peri T.
Peri T.

I'm Peri, the owner of Universal Heating & Air, and I'm here to save the day (or at least your AC). Our team got the skills and knowledge to handle any AC repair, installation, or maintenance job. My goal is to make sure my customers are comfortable, no matter the weather. So, if you need superheros for your AC problems, look no further!